In the realm of dental care treatments, root canals come with a reputation. Just the
thought of them sends shivers down the spines of some people, with images of giant, sharp drills and a great deal of
pain. While root canals are a bit more involved than
a typical cavity filling, they aren’t as frightening as they seem.
They sound very complex but traditional root canal treatment is a standard oral care
procedure that entails removing infected or inflamed tooth pulp and then extensively cleaning and disinfecting the
area, followed by filling and sealing. This removes all bacteria from the canal of the root to help ward off further
infection and tremendously boosts the odds of retaining your natural tooth components.
Our teeth are protected by a hard layer of dentin and white enamel, and below that is
soft pulp, packed full of blood vessels and nerves and related tissue. This pulp starts at the crown of a tooth and
reaches clear down to the tips of its roots but when a tooth finally grows through the gum line the surrounding
tissue takes over the job of providing nourishment and the pulp only serves to detect hot and cold.
In the midst of all this are root canals that extend from tooth root tip deep into the
chamber of pulp, creating an extraordinarily efficient oral system. However, when pulp embedded in the canal of a
root is infected, treatment is necessary to allay the issue. If left unchecked, infected pulp can lead to prolonged
and more serious problems.
There are many reasons a person should consider root canal treatment and in all cases, putting it
off “for a rainy day” or to avoid the stress of it all only inspires much worse. Here are several common precursors
to a trip to the dentist for a root canal procedure:
If your teeth are surrounded by or embedded in damaged pulp, it needs to go. Here’s what
happens: Damaged pulp breaks down into a loose conglomerate and the extra space allows bacteria to multiply with
reckless abandon inside the chamber and this leads to considerable pain, abscess, and infection; none of which are
Even worse are side effects that people rarely expect or even know about. If you have an
infected root canal, that infection might not stay in one place. In fact, your neck, face, and entire head have the
potential for swelling and terrible pain. Another unwanted effect is the formation of a hole in the side of a tooth,
followed by the drainage of liquid into the gums or adjacent skin. Extreme cases can even lead to bone loss.
It’s easy to procrastinate when it comes to root canal treatment but there are many
reasons to make it a priority, all of which provide you with a much more comfortable future. If you are experiencing
symptoms as noted above, here are four top reasons to make a root canal appointment today:
times you can just ignore it and hope it goes away. Sure, if you wait a very long time the pain will
eventually subside but that’s not good. It means the tooth’s nerves are dead but the infection is still
alive and well.
canal procedure is relatively painless and is actually similar to a traditional cavity filling. If you have
a painful tooth, treatment is your answer to make all that pain go away.
canal treatment stops the infection of the soft inner pulp. When pulp is infected, immediate treatment
relieves the pain and stops the infection from spreading.
could very well lose the tooth altogether, which brings a host of other problems.